About Us
St. James is the spiritual home of a devoted group of parishioners. We value our time together in worship and in our daily lives. All people are welcome at St. James and we strive to ensure that all who join us will be warmly welcomed.
We offer a wide variety of activities and programs. We offer two services each Sunday with a Sunday School program at 10:00 a.m. for children ages three to twelve. We offer Adult Education programs throughout the year. Evening Prayer is offered every weeknight during Lent and Advent.
Our weekly Coffee Hour is a special time for our parishioners to welcome newcomers and to catch up with each other. We have several Ministry Teams that meet each month to expand friendships and establish stronger bonds with those we might not otherwise interact. Church-wide potluck suppers are held periodically throughout the year, often on evenings of special services or evensongs.
Our Church Fair, held each year in July, is an important event to all in the parish and those in the community. A Woodstock tradition since 1922, the Fair attracts large crowds and raises money for the Parish's Outreach program.
We invite you to join us and learn more about us!