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Together, the priest and the Vestry oversee church operations, provide direction, and support the mission and ministry of the parish.  Each member of the Vestry is responsible for the effectiveness of the ministries of St. James’, shaping and guiding them for the growth of the congregation and for outreach to the community beyond our walls.  Members of the Vestry are committed to pursuing their personal growth as leaders and to ministering to one another in Christian community.


The Vestry of St. James is made up of nine elected members including the Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, and Clerk. The Treasurer is elected by the vestry and serves ex. officio. The executive function of the Vestry is carried out by the Rector, the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, and the Treasurer.

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Shari Casey, Sr. Warden

Fiona McElwain, Jr. Warden

Jay Bragdon

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Tim Sink, Clerk


Sally Garmon

Julie Groppe

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Gail Emmerson

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Stephen Land

Isabelle Bradley

© 2018 St. James Episcopal Church 2 St. James Place, Woodstock VT 05091


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